MaximumPC 2006 12

(Dariusz) #1


TI has built a better dual-videocard
mousetrap—and it’s cheap! In spite
of our enthusiasm, however, we
can’t give the Radeon X1950 Pro a higher
rating because we’re so close to the debut
of Direct3D 10—which this card doesn’t
support. We’ve dinged Nvidia’s latest
cards on the same grounds.
We’ve had many reasons to like
CrossFire: Its “super antialiasing” is a ter-
rific solution that doesn’t have to be shut
off while performing high dynamic-range
lighting, for one. Unfortunately for ATI,
those benefits have been eclipsed by a
kludgey cabling system and noisy cooling
apparatus. Such drawbacks disappear
with the X1950 Pro.
CrossFire has always depended on
a master/slave relationship because the
compositing circuitry that weaves the
images from the two cards into a coherent
whole was located on a separate chip on
the CrossFire master card. That circuitry
is now integrated into the X1950 Pro GPU,
much like it is with Nvidia’s parts. To build
a CrossFire rig, you simply need two
X1950 Pro’s—the master/slave arrange-
ment is gone.
The new GPU also does away with
the bulky external cable. Each card has
two edge connectors to accommodate a
pair of internal ribbon cables. Why two?
Each connection is capable of transferring
12 bits of graphics data, which enables
two X1950 Pro cards running in CrossFire
to deliver up to 2560x2048 resolution at
60Hz (Nvidia’s 7-series GPUs max out at
2560x1600). It’s unlikely you’ll be gaming
at such a high resolution, based on the

benchmark performance we obtained at
1920x1200, but plenty of non-real-time
animation applications will benefit from it.
The card supports HDCP, too, so you
can play back Hollywood movies on a
Blu-ray or HD-DVD drive. If you’re more
interested in making movies, ATI’s refer-
ence design includes video-in as well as
video-out. Most cards based on Nvidia’s
7900 GS support HDCP, but none support
VIVO. ATI won’t require third-party manu-
facturers to include either feature, so make
sure you know what you’re getting if you
want HDCP and VIVO.
The GPU on the reference-design card
we received was clocked at 574MHz,
and its 256MB of memory was running at
682MHz. The single-slot card is long—a
full nine inches. A contiguous copper heat-
sink stretches across the entire surface of
one side, with a fan at the far end. Unlike
the X1950 XTX, warm air is exhausted
through the fan’s hub, instead of being
evacuated outside the case.
We benchmarked the card at it default
speeds and then, as we’ve been doing
for a while, unlocked it and used ATI’s
Catalyst Overdrive utility to automatically
overclock its GPU and memory: The card
crashed. The drivers are supposed to
automatically reset the GPU and memory

to their most stable overclocking values
on reboot, but our benchmarks locked
up when we tried running them. Manually
restoring the GPU and memory to their
default clock settings didn’t help, either.
We interpret this to mean that either the
non-WHQL drivers we were given are
sloppy or there’s just not much headroom
for overclocking on this hardware (or both).
Whatever the case may be, we wound up
uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers to
restore system stability.
At its default clock speeds, the X1950
Pro proved to be slower than the more
expensive EVGA Signature Series GeForce
7900 GS (reviewed on page 76 of this
issue) in two key benchmarks: Quake 4 and
FEAR. But it was considerably faster at the
first of Futuremark’s two Shader Model 3.0/
high dynamic-range lighting games.
If you can’t wait for Direct3D 10 parts,
and games are the only reason you’re
buying a new videocard, we recommend
something with Nvidia’s 7900 GS in this
price range. But we rate ATI’s X1950 Pro a
notch higher because its support for ultra-
high resolution and its VIVO feature render
it a better all-around value.
—Michael Brown

reviewsTes Ted. Reviewed. veRdic Tized

74 MAXIMUMPC decem,ber 2006

ATI Radeon

X1950 Pro

Finally, a dongle-free CrossFire!

aTi has
finally come
up with a
solution we
can recom-
mend with-
out hesita-
tion: You
connect a
pair of X1950
Pros inside
the case.


ati radeon x1950 pro

laTe BlooMers
CrossFire connection finally
moves inside; VIVO and
HDCP; super-high resolution.
soiled BlooMers^8
Slow single-card game
performance at high resolution.

3DMARK06 GAME 1 13.0 10.0 24.6 18.2
3DMARK06 GAME 2 14.2 14.5 27.9 32.3
QUAKE 4 41.7 44.0 78.2 81.6
COMPANY OF HEROES 22.1 24.5 37.8 25.0
FEAR 24.0 27.0 36.0 53.0

X1950 e-geForce X 1950 Pro e-geForce
Pro 7900 gs in crossFire 7900 gs in sli

Best scores are bolded. Videocard benchmarks obtained with A8R32-MVP Deluxe and Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe motherboards, respectively using the native resolution of a 23-inch ViewSonic VP2330wb display (1920x1200). 3DMark06 HDR Games: Tested with antialiasing turned off and anisotropic filtering set to
8x. Quake 4: Tested with 4x AA and 8x aniso. Company of Heroes: Tested with AA off and all other values set to high. FEAR: AA off, 8x aniso, soft shadows on.


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