Om Yoga Magazine — February 2018

(Darren Dugan) #1
Why did you start yoga
After a family bereavement I felt lost and alone.
Depression and anxiety crept up on me. I decided
after a few months of taking medication that there
must be another way to help overcome my grief and
improve my mental wellbeing. I first tried vinyasa yoga,
which helped me relax a little, but after a full day at
work I just didn’t have any energy. It was then that I found yin yoga. I remember walking
into the class feeling nervous – there were so many props and I didn’t have a clue how to
use them. However, after a couple of weeks, I started to feel more comfortable. It was then
I experienced numerous emotional releases, which sometimes led to me crying during the
poses. While speaking to the teacher afterwards, I realised this was trauma being released
from my tissues. I felt relief, peace and tranquillity – feelings I hadn’t felt in years.

How has yoga changed your life
Yoga gave me a safe place and a sense of calm at the end of my working day as a primary
school teacher. Through yoga I realised I was feeling stressed and tense throughout most
of the working day, which was taking its toll on my body. Something had to give, and after
teaching in schools for 10 years, I finally took the plunge to train as a yoga teacher. I
wanted to help others heal through yoga in the same way I had.

Favourite yoga haunts
Yama Yoga Studios in Doha, Qatar (where I currently live) is my go-to place when I feel I
need to take a class. I’m very proud to be one of the teachers there. Another favourite is
Purple Valley Yoga in Goa. I recently visited for a retreat and I loved the vibe there; it was
warm and welcoming in beautiful surroundings.

Best yoga moment
This year I took Strala Yoga training in London with Tara Stiles. I immediately felt a
connection to what she was teaching, moving with softness and ease to better physical
and mental health. As an ex-dancer I loved the flowing movements from one pose to
another with grace and ease. The community spirit was amazing and I feel I truly learnt
how to slow down and reassess how I was practicing yoga. I remember lying in savasana
thinking, ‘I have found my place in the yoga world, this is where I belong’.

Anything else
Life today is busy and everyone expects instant answers and results. I have learnt through
yoga that your answers will come in time. Be patient with your mind and body, as they’re
the only ones you get and you have to look after them. Whether I am teaching yin, vinyasa
or strala, I teach with compassion, love, kindness and non-attachment. These qualities are
the ones I strive for in my own practice and I encourage others to do the same. Gratitude
and focusing on what you have are what help us become more positive and present, both
on and off the mat. Trust the process and enjoy the magical benefits of yoga.




Trust the process with yoga,
says Hannah Varley

NAME: Hannah Varley

AGE: 31

OCCUPATION: Yoga teacher

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