Yoga Journal Singapore — February 09, 2018

(Marcin) #1

gold standard

Making ghee creates a culinary treasure and a meditation

on the essence of milk and life.

Even as the spring equinox approached, nature continued to dump record-breaking
quantities of snow on my hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. That time of year, the
weather sometimes interferes with the work of my husband, a modern-day milkman
making deliveries in a biodiesel truck painted black and white to look like a Holstein
cow. During an especially blustery week last spring, the weather kept him off the road
and left us with 6o pints of cream packed in snow outside the back door. There are only
so many ways a family of four can enjoy the luxuries of fresh cream, and I knew that if
we didn’t do something with it in the next few days, the luscious bounty would go to
waste. That’s when some friends from my yoga community suggested I turn the cream
into clarified butter, or ghee.

By Suzanne Vangilder



february / march 2018
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