Yoga Journal Singapore — February 09, 2018

(Marcin) #1
Bright and bubbly Instagram yogini
@pinkchampagne13, Ruth discovered yoga
amidst a highly stressful sales & marketing job
in the pharmaceutical industry. Stepping on
the mat on a regular basis allowed her to find
peace and calm amid chaos in her life. It also
helped her tremendously through a difficult
phase when she lost loved ones, and also had
to make a career switch to become a financial
planner. As a regular practitioner for seven
years, she remains very grateful to yoga—the
constant solace in her life.

Ruth Tan or @pinkchampagne13


Guided by Tan Hee Boon in conjunction with
Yoga Vidya Gurukul, Yogapoint, in India, Ruth
completed her 200hr Hatha-Vinyasa yoga
teacher training in November 2015. It was
through this course and her teacher that she
found the passion to teach.

With a love for learning, she regularly attends
workshops as well as Continued Education
for Teachers (CET) trainings to further hone
and improve her knowledge and teaching
skills. She is also currently pursuing anatomy-

focused Yoga Medicine 500HR advanced
teacher training with Tiffany Cruikshank to
satisfy her inner science geek. In addition to
yoga, Ruth teaches fun barre classes that have
been certified by Barre Body Australia.

You canattend Ruth’sclasses at Freedom
Yoga, Singapore.


february / march 2018
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