
(Michael S) #1

nourish your





february / march 2018

Whether you are making a commitment to yoga for 21 days or for a
lifetime, you’ll find you feel better if you eat in a way that supports
your practice. Take this time to offer yourself the nourishment not
only of practice but also of healthy, healing food.

In “Sound Bites” (page 42), we tell you how to eat strategically to
fuel your body before practice and replenish it after. Calibrate your
own snacking needs based on when you practice and how vigorous
your yoga is. Then use our simple recipes and suggestions to keep
food handy for when you need it most.
And with great joy we share one of our yogi secrets: the recipe for
ghee. “Gold Standard” (page 45) explains why Ayurveda, yoga’s
sister science and 5,000-year-old medical system, holds that this is
the world’s healthiest, most nourishing source of fat. The making
of ghee can be a meditation in action—and a way to taste divine
nectar directly.
In “Diet for a Green Planet” (page 48), we help you understand
how you can eat in a way that supports the environment inside and
outside your body. By using beans as a main source of protein, you
can reduce your own carbon footprint and improve your health.
Enjoy the tastes and benefits of this lean, green protein.

Feed your practice, feed your brain... and feed your soul well. Enjoy.
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