Australian Yoga Journal - April 2018

(Axel Boer) #1


april 2018


All the rage with fitness models and rock-star yogis, a defined

stomach doesn’t necessarily mean a strong core. By Erin Bourne

DEFINED OR “RIPPED” ABSare seen as the
ultimate in health and fitness.Men’s Health
magazine terms it the “blue ribbon in weight
room achievement”, fitness models and
rock-star yogis proudly display theirs as they
demonstrate complex strong poses. There are
core strength yoga programs and even a
Yoga Shred challenge promoting that ideal.
If you want to sell the latest fad diet or detox
program, it appears that putting a picture of
a model with defined abs does the trick.
The message is that health and core strength
comes with a well-defined six-pack. Sorry
but not always and here’s why.
The 6-pack muscles are the Rectus
Abdominis, the most superficial of the
abdominal muscles both physiologically
and functionally. This muscle group flexes the
trunk, bringing the upper body towards the
lower body, basically a sit up or crunch, and
that’s it. Definition here demonstrates very
low body fat, and some serious superficial ab
training. Low body fat and a trim waist is
absolutely a health benefit, decreasing the
risk of diabetes, heart disease and immune
deficiency; it’s just not necessarily an
indicator of a strong core. A strong core
actually comes from deeper abdominal
muscles, the back and the Glutes.
Our true core muscles, the Diaphragm,
Internal and External Obliques, Transverse
Abdominis (TA), Quadratus Lumborum(QL),
Psoas, Erector Spinae and Gluteals work
synchronistically to take care of all of the
things we do everyday: walk, run, twist, lift,
bend, sit and stand. Those same movements
apply in our practice, particularly a dynamic
Vinyasa style.
So let’s dive a little deeper into the core
starting with the diaphragm, the muscle we
use for breathing or at least we should. The
diaphragm contraction on the inhale creates



intra-abdominal pressure which triggers
the pelvic floor and the TA to activate. This
interplay of pressure and muscle activation
supports the lumbar spine (lower back) like a
brace keeping it neutral, essential for lifting
anything; weights, children or groceries. It
prevents exaggerating the lumbar curve when
we lift and thus avoids excessive pressure on
the intervertebral discs. Lack of bracing while
lifting is one of the biggest causes of bulging
or herniated
discs. The TA is
engaged with
the exhale in
order to help
press the
breath out
and thus still
maintains the
support of the
lumbar spine.
An exaggerated curve
in the lumbar spine, the hip
bones pushing forward, actually
switches off the pelvic floor.
When jumping or running,
especially for women, we need
the pelvic floor engaged to
control the bladder with the
bounce. Engaging the Glutes
will help to keep the pelvis in
neutral position and the pelvic
floor switched on.
The movement of standing up from
sitting or sitting down is essentially the
same as a squat and should be done with
a neutral braced spine and Glutes
engaged. Think about it as straightening
or folding from the hips rather than
the knees. This takes care of the spine,
preventing the exaggerated curve,
and the knees in one go.


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