Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1




Why would God ask Abraham to kill his own son?

Suggested Questions for Further Discussion/Thought

  1. How do you wrestle with the question of suffering? How has the Bible
    been helpful (or unhelpful)?

  2. This East/West distinction can become quite discouraging when fi rst
    encountered. Do the previous comments help, or do they add to the

  3. If you were given the opportunity to edit the Bible, would you take
    out the beginning of the book of Job, where God and Satan wager over
    whether or not Job is righteous?

  4. If there can be more than one “right” way to interpret a story in the
    Bible, such as the Binding of Isaac, does that mean all interpretations are
    equally valid? Is interpretation just a personal matter?

  5. When missionaries are sent to foreign countries, they prepare by fi rst
    learning the language of that country. When we enter the domain of
    Hebrew wisdom literature, the experience is not altogether different.
    How can we prepare to enter this unfamiliar world?

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