Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1



Why use so many names?

“Lucifer” is a name derived from the Latin translation of Isaiah 14:12, a
prophecy about a mysterious Babylonian king—the “morning star” (lucerne
ferre) who has been cast down to earth. Along with Ezekiel 28, medieval theo-
logians reinterpreted this passage as a reference to Satan, and the name stuck.
In Revelation, “the Beast” is used to describe the falsely messianic world
leader who does Satan’s bidding in the fi nal battle between God and evil. We
know of this leader as “the Antichrist,” though that name doesn’t actually
appear in Revelation.
So in summary, “Lucifer” is a misnomer and probably shouldn’t be part
of the discussion. “The Beast” and/or “the Antichrist” are names for a man.
“The Adversary” (ha-satan) in the Old Testament is a member of the heavenly
council under God’s control, and the New Testament Satan is the archenemy
of the Almighty.
If anyone’s “in charge,” I guess it would be Satan, the New Testament one

Scriptural References

Isaiah 14:12; Zechariah 3:1–7; Matthew 25:41; Revelation 19:20

Suggested Additional Sources for Reading

  • Gerald Massadie, A History of the Devil (Kodansha Globe, 1997).

  • Elaine Pagels, The Origin of Satan: How Christians Demonized Jews, Pagans,
    and Heretics (Vintage, 1996).

  • T. J. Wray and Gregory Mobley, The Birth of Satan: Tracing the Devil’s
    Biblical Roots (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005).

Suggested Questions for Further Discussion/Thought

  1. How many of our ideas about the devil, hell, and so on do you think you
    can actually trace back to the Bible? What are some of the other sources
    that have infl uenced our thinking on these matters?

  2. While the specifi c character of Satan may be unclear based on the Bible,
    it is clear that he is seen as a source of evil. Why is it important, in a
    monotheistic religion, for someone or something to be responsible for the
    world’s evil?

  3. If you believe in an entity or spirit such as Satan in the universe, what
    sort of agency or power does it have over our world and lives?

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