Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1



In some cases, Paul (the purported author of

many New Testament books) seems to support

women in leadership roles in church, and in

others, he says they have no place. Which is

it? And why the seeming contradiction?

Becky Garrison


Paul’s demonstrated support of Lydia, Phoebe, Prisca (Priscilla),
and Chloe illuminates the pivotal role that women played in those
early churches formed after Pentecost (see Acts 16:40; Rom. 16:1–16
and 1 Cor. 1:11). His other references to women in ministry need to be assessed
against the sociopolitical background of Greco-Roman culture.
A commandment such as the requirement that women should cover
their heads (1 Cor. 11:3–16) encourages women to follow societal norms. A
woman with an uncovered head would draw undue attention to the followers
of a religion that was being persecuted by the Roman Empire. Hence, Paul is
addressing a specifi c congregational concern instead of making global pro-
nouncements that are applicable to the entire body of Christ.
Also, one must look at the authenticity of these letters. Romans, 1 and 2
Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, and Philemon are seen
as “undisputed,” meaning there’s a consensus among scholars that they can
be attributed to Paul. A letter such as Ephesians, which requires women to
submit to their husbands (Eph. 5:22–33), is a letter that some scholars believe
was either written or edited at a later date.
As the church became more closely aligned with empire, it began to tone
down some of its more radical teachings, such as the full equality of all in

David J. Lose


Keep in mind two things when reading Paul. First, he’s a mission-
ary, not a systematic theologian. Second, Paul anticipates Jesus’
imminent return, so his top priority is sharing the good news with
as many people as possible.
Today, we tend to read Paul as though he set out to write a timeless
theological treatise when he was, instead, providing pastoral responses to
particular and often complicated circumstances. This means that we may read

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