Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1


Were there gay couples in the Bible?



Several recent books attempt to reframe Christians’ relationship to the
gay community, such as Andrew Marin’s Love Is an Orientation. He goes
through the “big fi ve” passages often used to condemn homosexuals. Marin
notes how selectively we apply the purity codes outlined in Leviticus. It is also
tough to pin down the apostle Paul’s condemnations in 1 Corinthians 6:9–11.
Paul employs two Greek words for homosexuality that are not found in any
other ancient literature. How can we assess Paul’s understanding when there
is nothing else to compare it to?
I am intrigued by the choices of the fi rst cross-cultural missionary in
the Bible, Philip. In Acts 8, Philip and the early Jerusalem church are on the
run, fl eeing from Rome. He heads toward an even more persecuted people
in Samaria. En route, Philip encounters an Ethiopian eunuch who longed to
become part of the Jewish community. But the eunuch’s physical alteration
made him ceremonially unclean, unable to enter the holiest part of the Hebrew
temple. Philip insists that nothing can separate the eunuch from the love of
God through Jesus Christ. Philip baptizes the eunuch. How fascinating that
the fi rst non-Jewish Christian believer in the Bible is a sexually ambiguous
African man.

Scriptural References

Leviticus 17—26 (the Holiness Code); 1 Samuel 20:30; 26:12; Acts 8:26–39

Suggested Additional Sources for Reading

  • William Countryman, Dirt, Greed, and Sex (Fortress Press, 1988).

  • Teresa Hornsby and Amy-Jill Levine, Sex Texts from the Bible (Skylight,

  • Andrew P. Marin, Love Is an Orientation: Elevating the Conversation with the
    Gay Community (InterVarsity Press, 2009).

  • Jack Barlett Rogers, Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality (Westminster John
    Knox Press, 2009).

Suggested Questions for Further Discussion/Thought

  1. What role do ancient texts have on our ethical practices, sexual or not?

  2. Does it matter if David and Jonathan were gay?

  3. What is the message about judgment here?

  4. Why do you think homosexuality is perhaps the most important moral
    issue in our society for some Christians?

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