Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1



Why would an all-knowing God begin the process of creation?

individually and collectively, is to learn how to use our creativity for good
and not evil, but the two often are not that far apart. Our intentions and our
actions are positive, but sometimes we still fall short. Other times, the worst of
circumstances brings out the best in us.
We want to trust that God has a plan, but those words are cold comfort
when we’re in the middle of it all. It helps to remember that the cross isn’t just
a relic of the past, or a symbol in the present; it’s God’s signpost pointing to
the future. We don’t know exactly how it all ends, or when, but we do know
this much: Good triumphs over evil, life conquers death, and love wins.

Scriptural References

Genesis 1:26–27

Suggested Additional Source for Reading

  • Matthew Fox, Creativity: Where the Divine and the Human Meet (Jeremy P.
    Tarcher, 2002).

Suggested Questions for Further Discussion/Thought

  1. Is it possible to believe in God without believing in God as creator? What
    are the advantages of this idea? What are the problems, if any?

  2. What does it mean to be created in the image of God?

  3. Does God ever cause natural disasters? Why or why not?

  4. How can a God of love allow people to suffer?

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