Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1

Contributor List, Biographies, and Suggested Resources


Five Things to Do to Make the World a Better Place

  1. For one day, say thank you to every person who helps you that day, from
    the bus driver, the supermarket checkout girl, and even the surly person
    at the DMV. Once you get through that day, try it again the next day.
    Eventually it will become second nature.

  2. Pay it forward by making a small loan to When the recipient
    pays it back, then pay it forward by making a loan to another person in

  3. Reduce your dependency on processed commercialized food
    manufactured by multinational corporations by visiting local
    greenmarkets, participating in the slow food movement, and other ways
    to develop a diet that’s healthier for both you and the planet.

  4. Recalculate your carbon footprint in light of the ongoing economic and
    environmental crises to see how you can reduce travel (e.g., multitask by
    making longer trips to one area instead of repeated trips; cut down on
    conference hopping by using Skype, Webcasting, and other online tools to
    communicate; explore carpooling and other sustainable modes of travel).

  5. Simplify your life—reduce your consumption by seeing what you truly
    need versus what our consumerist culture has tried to sell to you. Make
    a conscious effort to purchase items that are fair trade, especially those
    organizations where you know you’re helping a woman achieve self-
    suffi ciency instead of contributing to a sweatshop economy.

Contributor: Brandon Gilvin

Professional title: Associate Director, Week of Compassion—the Relief, Refu-
gee, and Development Ministry of the CC (DOC); ordained minister
Personal blog:
Bio: Writer, minister, diasporic Appalachian, theological progressive,

Recommended Books, Web Sites,
Blogs, and Other Resources

A. J. Jacobs, The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the
Bible as Literally as Possible (Simon & Schuster, 2008).
Anything by Amy-Jill Levine.
The WTF? (Where’s the Faith?) series.

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