Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1



Did they marry each other?

Scriptural References

Genesis 2; 6:5—10:

Suggested Additional Sources for Reading

  • Marcus J. Borg, Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking the Bible
    Seriously but Not Literally (Harper San Francisco, 2002).

  • John Dominic Crossan, The Dark Interval: Towards a Theology of Story
    (Polebridge, 1988).

Suggested Questions for Further Discussion/Thought

  1. Do you think the stories in scripture are meant to be taken literally? Why
    or why not?

  2. Can there be more than one interpretation of biblical stories? What are
    some different types of understanding you can think of (cultural, moral,
    historical, etc.)?

  3. Jesus spoke often in parables. How did people react? Were they
    concerned with whether or not the stories he told were literally true?

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