Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1




What does the Bible really say about


Christian Piatt


Perhaps nothing sparks more heated debate over scripture than the
biblical position on homosexuality. First off, it should be pointed
out that there is no reference whatsoever in any biblical scripture to
homosexuality; rather, scripture refers in some instances to homosexual acts.
Depending on your understanding of sexual orientation, there can be a big
difference between the two.
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is perhaps the most famous—or
infamous—but it’s important to understand how homosexual behavior was
used in the town from which the term “sodomy” was coined. When a town
was conquered, one way that the victorious army would demonstrate their
dominance was to rape the women of the village. Sometimes, to add further
insult to the defeat, they would even rape the men.
Rather than an intimate act, this behavior actually was a military strategy,
though brutal and repulsive, to break the spirits of the defeated culture.
Other references, including those by the apostle Paul, condemn men for
lying with men as if they are women. Again, some context helps us under-
stand that certain non-Christian religions of the time conducted ritual orgies
as a tribute to their god or gods, and though it can be argued either way, it’s
possible that Paul was referring to what he considered a heathenish religious
practice rather than consensual gay sex.
Jesus never spoke about homosexuality or homosexual acts, so for those
who look principally to him for guidance, we’re left with our own consciences
to guide us.

Kathy Escobar

Who is...


Kathy Escobar
I hate wearing pants and socks, and I have lived
in Colorado for thirteen years now. I’m the one
in capri pants and  ip- ops in December.


The passages that are commonly used as an argument against
homosexuality are Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, and
Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13.
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