Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1



What does the Bible really say about homosexuality?

here, but the subtle sexism should be noted... it overlooks woman-on-woman
Leviticus goes back for more: “If a man lies with a male as with a woman,
both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their
blood is upon them” (Lev. 20:13).
And lest we forget the New Testament, Romans 1:26–27 says that men
and women who have homosexual relations are considered “unnatural” and
pretty much have it comin’ for their “perversion.” Nice to see that women
were acknowledged here, though. Progress of a sort, I suppose.
However, there are many laws that aren’t followed today because they
are considered antiquated or irrelevant. In Leviticus 19:20, it says that it’s
OK to doink a slave girl as long as she hasn’t been freed and you feel pretty
crappy about it afterwards. And there’s also: “All who curse father or mother
shall be put to death” (Lev. 20:9). I’m sure that the parents of many teenagers
are game for that one, but modern law prohibits it and that’s probably a good
idea. We see very few stonings these days that aren’t frowned upon, but it was
quite the fad back then.
Many ancient laws, from keeping kosher to circumcision, are considered
up for interpretation. Pro-gay-rights advocates claim that there have been mis-
translations and inconsistent enforcement of laws. Many conservatives argue
that these passages should be adhered to strictly.
All I know is that when I hear these words hurled at me and people that I
care about, they hurt. A lot.

Jason Boyett


The Bible explicitly condemns homosexuality, but these few pas-
sages leave room for interpretation. For example, Genesis 19—the
destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah—is traditionally thought to
have been a punishment on the cities’ rampant homosexuality. After all, that’s
where we got the term “sodomites.” But Ezekiel 16:49 says the sin of Sodom
was arrogance, apathy, and neglect of the poor. So was God punishing Sodom
for homosexuality in general? For something specifi c like rape or inhospital-
ity? Or for something else?
Likewise, Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 describe “[lying] with a male as one
lies with a woman” as “an abomination.” Seems pretty clear, right? But it also
describes sex with a woman during her period as being an abomination. These
verses are part of a holiness code to separate the Israelites from neighboring
cultures. Some scholars suggest it doesn’t condemn a homosexual lifestyle as
much as it prohibits a specifi c pagan temple practice.
What about the New Testament? Romans 1:26–27 identifi es homosexual
activity as “degrading,” but the passage seems to address ritual behavior or
pagan orgies. First Corinthians 6:9–10 denies God’s kingdom to “homosexual

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