Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1


What does the Bible really say about homosexuality?



  • Peter J. Gomes, The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart
    (HarperOne, 2002), especially chap. 8, “The Bible and Homosexuality:
    The Last Prejudice.”

  • Daniel A. Helminiak, What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality:
    Explode the Myths, Heal the Church (Westminster John Knox Press, 2009).

  • Andrew P. Marin, Love Is an Orientation: Elevating the Conversation with the
    Gay Community (InterVarsity Press, 2009).

  • Religious Tolerance:

  • Jack Barlett Rogers, Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality (Westminster John
    Knox Press, 2009).

  • Joan Roughgarden, Evolution and Christian Faith: Re ections of an
    Evolutionary Biologist (Island Press, 2006), especially chap. 11, “Gender
    and Sexuality.”

  • Soulforce:

  • David K. Switzer, Pastoral Care of Gays, Lesbians, and Their Families
    (Augsburg Fortress, 1999).

  • Mary Ann Tolbert, “A New Teaching with Authority: A Re-evaluation of the
    Authority of the Bible,” The Progressive Christian Witness: http://www

  • Mel White, What the Bible Says—and Doesn’t Say—about Homosexuality
    (Soulforce, 2007).

  • Garry Wills, What Jesus Meant (Penguin, 2006), especially chap. 2, “The
    Work Begins.”

Suggested Questions for Further Discussion/Thought

  1. The Bible is much more forthright in its prohibitions against divorce;
    Jesus calls it “adultery” when divorced people remarry. Why, then, does
    homosexuality carry such a stigma in the church if divorce does not?

  2. Read Romans 1:24–27. Paul was unaware of the notion of sexual
    orientation; therefore he speaks of “unnatural” homosexual relations.
    If we accept homosexuality, like heterosexuality, as orientation (i.e., as
    “natural”), does this change the way we interpret these verses? If so, how
    should we interpret this passage today?

  3. In attempting to discuss the biblical view concerning homosexuality,
    what are the strengths and weaknesses of using the “eunuch” approach
    discussed earlier?

  4. Do you know someone who is gay and a devoted Christian? What are
    you learning from them?

  5. Do you believe homosexuality is a sin? Why or why not? What would it
    mean to let go of the need to be clear on this issue?

  6. Do you believe homosexuality is genetic, environmental, or some
    combination of both? Explain.

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