Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1




What are the Apocrypha, the Gnostic Gospels,

and the Dead Sea Scrolls, and why are they

considered holy or sacred by some and not by


Marcia Ford


The Apocrypha (from a Greek word meaning “hidden”) is a series
of about a dozen books that are considered canonical, or authentic,
by Catholics and some Protestants but are omitted from some ver-
sions of the Bible. Even among those who consider the Apocrypha canonical,
there is some dispute over which books should be included.
The gnostic (Greek for “knowledge”) gospels refer to books about Jesus
that did not make it into the canon of scripture. Interest in the books intensi-
fi ed in the last century with the discovery of a number of gnostic scrolls and
in this century when books like The Da Vinci Code placed them in the spotlight
once again. The gnostic gospels tend to question Jesus’ humanity, suggesting
that he was a divine or spiritual being who only seemed to be human.
The Dead Sea Scrolls are documents found in the mid-twentieth century
that include portions of the Old Testament. Also found were apocryphal books
and the writings of members of various Jewish sects.
As to the second part of the question, in large part their “sacredness”
depends on what individuals choose to believe. Many Christians believe that
because some early church leaders rejected apocryphal and gnostic books, we
should too, given that those leaders lived much closer to the time of Christ, and
for that reason their decisions can be trusted. Others believe that male leaders had
questionable motives for rejecting gnostic books in particular, since they often
presented a more powerful portrayal of women. The Dead Sea Scrolls present a
different view of sects such as the Essenes than had previously been accepted.

Brandon Gilvin

Who is...


Brandon Gilvin
I have been kicked out of Canada.


“Apocrypha” means “hidden” or “obscure” and generally refers
to books that are connected to the biblical tradition but were not
considered sacred texts. There are apocryphal books in ancient
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