Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1



How did it get in its current order?

“Elijah” to “prepare the way for God,” thus setting the stage for John the Bap-
tizer and Jesus.
To quote the famous Chicago architect Louis Sullivan, “form follows

Scriptural References

John 20:31; Romans 15:4; 2 Timothy 3:14–17

Suggested Additional Sources for Reading

  • Walter Brueggemann, An Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon and
    Christian Imagination (Westminster John Knox Press, 2003), especially
    “Introduction: Imaginative Remembering.”

  • Walter Brueggemann, Reverberations of Faith: A Theological Handbook of
    Old Testament Themes (Westminster John Knox Press, 2002), especially
    “Festivals” and “Torah.”

  • Brevard S. Childs, Biblical Theology: A Proposal (Fortress Press, 2002).

  • Craig A. Evans and Emanuel Tov, eds., Exploring the Origins of the Bible
    (Baker Academic, 2008).

  • Luke Timothy Johnson, The Writings of the New Testament: An Interpretation
    (Fortress Press, 2002).

  • The Life and Times Historical Reference Bible (Thomas Nelson, 1997).

  • Lee Martin McDonald, The Biblical Canon: Its Origin, Transmission, and
    Authority (Hendrickson, 2007).

Suggested Questions for Further Discussion/Thought

  1. How would you like to see the books of the Bible arranged—
    alphabetically, chronologically, or possibly some other way? Which way
    do you think would be most helpful to you in your study of the Bible?

  2. Why do you think that early Jewish scholars arranged the books of the
    Hebrew scriptures (our Old Testament) by literary type? The early church
    leaders followed their lead. Why do you think they chose to do so?

  3. Read John 20:31, Romans 15:4, and 2 Timothy 3:14–17. According to these
    passages, what is the purpose and function of scripture? Do you agree or
    disagree? Why?

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