Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Blueprint


goal here is just to set a goal. Work toward something. Author
and speaker Zig Ziglar used to say, “If you aim for nothing,
you’ll hit it every time.”^3 There is great effectiveness in stating
your goal, your destination.
Now once you have your goal, you need to turn it into a
process by simply asking three more questions:

  1. How will I measure my goal?

  2. When is my deadline for this goal?

  3. What action will I take each day to achieve this goal?

For example, if health is one of your priorities and you set
the goal of getting more rest, your process could be: Because I
care about my health, I will reach my goal of getting more rest
this month by going to bed each night at 9:30 p.m. and getting
up at 6:30 a.m.
Or if work is a priority and you set the goal of increasing
your sales, your process could be: Because my career is a pri-
ority, I will increase my sales this quarter by making ten more
sales calls each day.
While we can never guarantee a goal will be met, if we set a
clear outcome, deadline, and action, we pave the way for success.
It’s a beautiful thing to partner with God and work toward
a reality that does not yet exist. To work toward the person
you have not yet become. To believe and fight for something
that will only happen through blood, sweat, and prayers.

Phase 3: Practical Actions
Practical actions simply incorporate our priorities and pro-
cesses into our daily planning. Let me walk you through my

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