Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Blueprint


Contrary to what the fitness industry tries to tell me, I don’t
need six- pack abs to be an effective author or a great mom to
my three kids. But Jennie Finch, who is also a mother of three,
probably needed six- pack abs to pitch the USA national soft-
ball team to multiple Olympic medals.
The thirty- one- year- old first- grade teacher requires differ-
ent energy, focus, and fitness levels than the fifty- five- year- old
empty- nester accountant. The sixteen- year- old Olympic gym-
nast has different strength needs than the eighteen- year- old
painter. And the eighty- year- old grandmother requires differ-
ent endurance than a twenty- five- year- old young mother of
I don’t know about you, but I want to be ready and able to
step into God’s story. If there is a need, I want to be first in line
to say, “Here I am. Send me!” (Isa. 6:8).
God doesn’t want us to simply read His Word and go about
our days. He wants His Word to infiltrate every area of our
lives. He wants us not only to marinate in its truth but also to
let it influence our daily plans and actions.
Perhaps after you read about the feeding of the five thou-
sand (Mark 6:30–44) during your Bible study, God will lead
you to cook a meal for a neighbor. Or after reading about the
widow’s mite (Luke 21:1–4), you’ll be moved to mow a wid-
ow’s yard or do some chores around her home. Maybe God
will want you to walk in greater patience and faith as a mother
or memorize a large passage of Scripture. Maybe He’ll want
you to coach a local youth sports team or join a running group
to get to know new people. Maybe He’ll ask you to travel
overseas to serve refugees. Or maybe He’ll ask you to move to
another city or country to serve others there.

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