Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Blueprint


  • Do I have the focus in the morning to start work and
    stay on task?

  • Are any of my choices keeping me from having the
    energy to serve and invest in others?

  • Do my comfort and security come from God, food, or
    my fitness level?

  • Am I energetic enough to build relationships with
    friends when they invite me to do things with them?

  • Is how I treat my body helping me to excel at what God
    has called me to do in this season, or is it hindering me?

If we can grasp the concept that fitness is not about image
but about energy, it changes so much of what we think about
our health. This perspective shift is huge. As believers, we
look at the world through the lens of our faith. Why should
our health be any different? We are to be doers of the word
and not just hearers. We want our faith to take action in our
everyday lives. So the question we ask ourselves is this: How
am I managing my energy so I’m living my days in the way
God intended?
There may be strangers you’re supposed to encourage
today. There may be friends you’re supposed to serve. There
may be family members who need you to be their strength. Are
you missing the miracles God has for you and others because
you’re just too tired?
I confess I’ve typically thought about fitness in terms of
weight, clothing size, or how I looked. But in God’s upside-
down kingdom, He measures things differently. The internal
comes before the external.
Being fit in this way is actually a lot like being an elite

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