Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1

Move Time

athlete. Olympians don’t work out to look good. In fact, they
might work out less or differently if looks were their primary
motivation. Instead, their main goal is to perform with excel-
lence and to represent their country well. Being fit is simply a
by- product of their faithful dedication.
We should have a similar perspective. Our health affects
so much more than just how we look. It affects how we feel,
how we act, the decisions we make, and our ability to focus
and succeed at the opportunities God has given us. Let’s shift
our primary motivation for fitness. Let’s focus on building our
energy to serve rather than building our image to impress.
Will you take a moment to answer this question right now?
Am I fit enough to do all that God has called me to do in this
season of my life with excellence and joy?
Whether your answer is yes or no, be encouraged. With this
fresh perspective, you’ll find transformation easier than ever.

Set Your Move- Time Anchor

Frankly, when the focus of fitness is image, change is hard to
come by. We want to see results quickly— and when we stop
seeing results, we get discouraged. Fast results require enor-
mous effort and self- discipline, and we just can’t keep that up.
Energy, however, can change overnight. (Literally. You’ll
see what I mean later in this chapter.) So how do we make
ourselves “fit” for what God has in store for us each day?
Just as with our God time and Plan time, we also should
have a Move- time anchor— a healthy choice we can make
every day, no matter what. It’s our stake in the ground saying,

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