Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Blueprint


No matter what today holds, I’m going to start well and lay
claim to my health.
In our Hello Mornings three- minute morning challenge,
we start with our God- time anchor (praying Psalm 143:8),
then our Plan- time anchor (prayerfully reviewing our calen-
dars), and finally our Move- time anchor (drinking a glass of
water). You’ll see how important water is in just a minute. The
beauty is that we can do all this in about three minutes. I keep
water on my nightstand and at my desk, so no matter how or
where I start my morning, I have everything I need.
Again, the three- minute morning routine is simply a foun-
dation for you. Feel free to mix it up and pick a different simple
habit that fits your situation and personality best.
Here are some other one- minute actions you can take:

  • Drink a cup of warm herbal tea (bonus if you add lemon).

  • Do a small exercise (just one minute— remember the
    goal is to make this something you can do every single
    day without willpower). Perhaps do a plank, jumping
    jacks, push- ups, sit- ups, but only do these if you enjoy
    them. Make sure your Move habit is a launching pad
    and not a stumbling block.

  • Decide on your healthy meals for the day, and evaluate
    what you ate yesterday.

  • Stretch.

I can’t emphasize enough that this morning Move habit is
about faithful consistency, not the effectiveness of the work-
out or pushing yourself. Do not make this hard. Make it easy.
Make it consistent. And then build on it.

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