Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Blueprint


Add green smoothies to your daily menu. Try kale. Do
a juice cleanse.
Find a way to challenge yourself to broaden your pal-
ate and make nutritional choices based on energy and not
just taste.

If you consistently repeat this process— track, trade, and
try— you’ll transform your eating habits without much effort
and improve your health from the inside out.
Watch your energy rise, and get excited about the founda-
tion of healthy living that you’re building. Ask yourself, What
is one simple thing I can do to improve my nutrition?

Once you have your sleep, hydration, and nutrition rolling
along, it’s time to build on that with strength and endurance.
Again, this doesn’t have to be hard. I’m not talking about
signing up for the next Ironman. If we have a long- term
perspective, we are less likely to overdo things that lead to
burnout. Even just a couple minutes in the morning can lead
to an internal and external transformation.
The world of exercise can be overwhelming. It is a billion-
dollar- a- year industry with more workout programs and training
plans than you could complete in a lifetime. So where do we

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