Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1

Move Time

The first place to start is where we’ve started before.
Noticing. Just as it’s important to notice how we are sleeping,
drinking, and eating, the first step is to notice how much or
little we are moving.


Are you on your feet all day? Or is your day filled with sit-
ting at work, in the car, or on the couch?
When my husband and I started changing our move-
ment level, our kids thought we’d officially gone crazy.
We were helping them with their homework, cooking,
and watching TV while walking in circles through our
kitchen, dining room, and living room. Jimmy and I had
just gotten fitness trackers, and let’s just say we’re a
little competitive. Determined to outstep one another, we
spontaneously jogged in place, briskly lapped our house
while brushing our teeth, and generally acted like crazy
people. Not only was it good for our bodies and inspiring
(or embarrassing) for the kids, but it was also fun for us.
We doubled the amount of exercise we were getting with-
out doing anything difficult. We just noticed and had fun.
You might be surprised by how little movement (or
maybe how much) you get. This is where a fitness tracker
or pedometer can be helpful. Without any extra effort, you
can track your movement— and most fitness trackers also
monitor your sleep and allow you to keep track of your
water as well.
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