Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Blueprint


Now it’s time to make some trades. What are some simple
changes you can make to consistently add more move-
ment into your day? Park farther away at the store. Walk
your dog instead of just taking him to the dog park and
sitting. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go for a walk
after dinner instead of sitting down to watch TV.

Experiment with different forms of exercise, and find one
you like. Maybe it’s running, skating, lifting weights, or bik-
ing. Maybe you like tennis or a few bodyweight exercises
throughout the day like push- ups or sit- ups.
The goal is to find something that you want to do, that
you can do, and that will fit in your schedule. So if you like
tennis, but you’re busy, try hitting a ball against the side of
your house for a quick workout. Don’t have time to head
to the gym to lift weights? Get a weight set you can use at
home or a chin- up bar.

No matter how much we grow in our daily exercise routine, it’s
important that we always continue our core morning Move- time
anchor. Exercise builds our strength and endurance and allows us
to live and follow God with more energy, excellence, and joy.
Ask yourself, What is one simple thing I can do to improve
my exercise routine?

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