Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Toolkit


the mud. Once they’re in place, we can rely on them. We can
add to them, and others can learn from and trust in them.
They are a foundation.
You’ve probably heard the Bible story of the man who built
his house on rock and the other man who built his house on
sand (Matt. 7:24–27). No doubt the sand guy got the job done
faster. It’s easier to move sand into place. He was probably
sipping lemonade in the sun while the rock guy was schlepping
rocks into place.
But in the long run, only one house stood.
Habits are a strong foundation, and the more good habits
we build, the better off we are.
Do you brush your teeth every day? Would it be hard for
you to not brush your teeth before bed? It’s a habit. And good
or bad, habits are hard to break.
How would it feel if, a year from now, it seemed weird
not to work out every day? What if you just couldn’t start
your day without Jesus? What if planning your day in a way
that brought peace and clarity was just the “thing you did”
each day?
How would that affect your life? How would you feel if
you could stop feeling guilty about not doing these things but,
instead, always did them?
It would feel... awesome!

Start Growing Your Habit Building

But how do we build habits? We build them slowly and steadily.
It’s a bit like pushing a car in neutral down a decline. Starting

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