Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Toolkit


when vacation, sickness, guests, or a crazy schedule throws
you out of your routine. It’s your comfort and your go- to.

Tool 4: Keystone Habits
I was very opinionated about making my bed as a child.
“Making my bed is dumb. Why spend all that time fixing
it up, when I’m just going to get in it again tonight and no one
is going to see it anyway?’
In what I can only attribute to childhood genius, I even
went so far as to use my sleeping bag at night and then throw
it in the closet in the morning. Voila! I never had to make my
bed, and I never got in trouble for not making my bed.
Adulthood required me to give up the sleeping bag trick,
but I still refused to make my bed.
I thought it was a waste of time.
I thought it was impractical.
I thought wrong.
One marriage and three kids later, my bedroom was a mess.
It seemed that unmade bed was a magnet for unfolded
laundry, backpacks, Legos (that’s always fun to discover at
3:00 a.m.), and everything else that didn’t have a home. And
certain children of mine have a habit of wandering into our
room in the early morning hours carrying blankets, pillows,
and stuffed animals. I didn’t mind the morning snuggles, but I
did mind the morning mess of bedding and toys.
It drove me nuts. But how could I ask my kids to clean up
their beds if I didn’t make my own?
So last year I decided drastic action was needed. I decided...
to make my bed.
After a few weeks of this waste-of-time and highly impractical

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