Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Toolkit


only spoke them; she meant them. Her compassion and calm
were noticed not just by Michael but by the police officers and
even the president of the United States, who called her later to
thank her for her courage.
Only God.


What does Antoinette’s story have to do with morning rou-
tines? It was a routine Tuesday morning for her. In fact, her
life was relatively routine. Antoinette’s professional experience
had not prepared her for such extraordinary circumstances.
She wasn’t a Navy SEAL. She wasn’t an Army Ranger or a
trained policewoman. She was a bookkeeper whose husband
of thirty- three years had just left her. She was a single mom
who, only nine months before, had contemplated suicide after
her marriage fell apart. She had no idea that her life, her words,
her very wounds, would protect and save the precious children
trapped in the school that day.
But God knew. And she knew God. And when asked what
she hopes people learn from her story, she responded, “Make
sure that you prepare yourself for a purpose. And when God
calls your number, make sure that your heart is open to receive
what directions he give you.”^2

Shift Your Preparation Perspective

Prepare yourself for a purpose. It’s what we’ve been talking
about, isn’t it? We can’t know exactly what our purpose is or

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