Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
The Power of Preparation


how it will play out, but we can prepare. We can open our
hearts to receive God’s direction, and we can even prepare to
make listening a daily habit. So when God calls our number,
we’ll be as ready as Antoinette Tuff.
When morning comes, the more prepared you are, the eas-
ier it will be to follow through on your morning routine. If
you take a few simple steps, you can say adios to your snooze
button and hello, morning! (See what I did there?)
If I’m honest, I love being prepared. I love packing the
car before our big vacations, getting everything in order and
placed most effectively for space and accessibility. I love pre-
paring for each week and the clarity it brings to see it all in one
place on my calendar. I love when someone needs something
(a Band- Aid, hairspray, medicine), and, like Mary Poppins, I
have it in my purse.
There is a wonderful satisfaction in being prepared. Can
you remember a time when you were fully prepared for a
school project or homework assignment or trip to the grocery
store? You had all your t’s crossed and i’s dotted, and you felt
unstoppable. Preparation makes everything else easier.

Set Your Preparation- Time Anchor

So how can we prepare for an effective morning routine? What
can we do ahead of time to be ready?
The simplest thing you can do is to have a morning kit— a
small collection of things you need for your routine. For the
three- minute morning, that would consist of your Bible, water,
and calendar. Some people keep their morning kit in a small

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