Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Toolkit


comfy. And in the corner sit a few small weights ready for a
quick workout.
A coffee machine with a collection of tea and hot chocolate
complete the little space— a welcome treat on cold mornings.
My closet didn’t always look like this. When I first started
having my morning time in a closet, it was just that: a tiny
closet where I sat on the floor under my clothes to read and
pray. My introvert self needed a space where I could focus and
read without fear of interruption or waking anyone up.
But as my habit has grown, I’ve made more preparations
for my morning time. I have a place to sit (an actual chair!),
something to drink, and everything I need to study, plan, and
The preparation I’ve done to create this space has made it
inviting not only to me but also to my children. It has become
a treasured space in our home.
Your morning space may look different. It certainly doesn’t
need to be in your closet. Maybe you have an actual room! Or
maybe you prefer your living room couch or a cozy chair or
the comfort of your own bed. (That option can be dangerous,
Here are some ways to make your morning spot just right
for you:

  • Mug
    My grandmother had a mug collection. I remember
    seeing them lined up in the rec room in the basement, and
    I always wondered what the stories were behind each one.
    My grandmother isn’t here to tell me about them,
    but I’ve started to build my own collection. There is

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