Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Toolkit


How amazing is that? Who doesn’t want a little
candle cheerleader?

  • Music
    This one is huge for me. Music wakes me up, helps
    me tune my heart to Jesus, and stirs my soul. I have a
    morning worship playlist with some of my favorite cur-
    rent worship songs, and I have another playlist of old
    hymns that I enjoy.

  • Warm drink
    Y’all, I’ve used everything under the sun for my morn-
    ing time. I’ve had tea, smoothies, coffee, and water. I’ve
    used a coffee pot, a Keurig, a French press, a carafe of
    hot water, and a heater to get the water hot.
    I’ve made instant coffee, tea bag coffee, and last
    night’s coffee.
    There are so many ways to prep a nice, warm drink
    without having to do a lot in the morning (or wake up
    anyone). Here is the simplest and cheapest: the carafe.
    Just get a small Thermos or carafe, and fill it up with hot
    water (or coffee) the night before. Then when you wake
    up, you can just pour your water (or coffee) and prep
    your drink. Simple. The other bonus of a carafe is that
    you don’t have to worry about the coffee maker waking
    up anyone. Another option, if noise isn’t an issue, is to
    use a programmable coffee maker and set it to be ready
    when you get up.
    Again, I like to have a small basket filled with dif-
    ferent kinds of tea, flavored coffees, and hot chocolate.
    There is something oddly fun about ceremoniously
    selecting my morning drink. “I choose you.”

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