Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
The Power of Preparation


  • Snack
    I also like to keep a small snack in my morning spot
    because caffeine before breakfast sometimes makes me
    feel not so awesome. If caffeine on an empty stomach
    is an issue for you, too, here are a few quiet breakfast
    snack options:

  • Fruit: a banana is my go- to, but apples, oranges, and
    other easy- to- eat fruits work well too.

  • Breakfast bars: I love granola or fruit and nut bars.
    They taste amazing and are relatively healthy.

  • Crackers: I try to keep a stash of something I’m not as
    likely to eat so I know it will always be there even if
    I haven’t refreshed my options lately. A small bag of
    crackers tucked in a corner ensures that I won’t have
    to leave my morning time should hunger strike.

Whatever your morning space looks like, a few small
preparations can simplify and enhance your daily routine and
make it one of the most special parts of your day for you and
your family. How can you make your morning spot inviting?

My Secret Morning Tricks
If you’re afraid of waking your family when you get up
in the morning, here is a simple trick I use to keep my family
sleeping soundly. If you have an air- conditioning unit that has

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