Call to Action
I’ve asked myself all these questions. Maybe you have too.
Whether you feel you’re at rock bottom, or you simply want
to embrace all that life has, the solution is the same. We need
to start well.
How We Start Matters
Think about it. How we start matters. How we start a relation-
ship, how we start a job, how we start our day... it matters.
Have you ever tried to recover from a bad morning or a
bad first impression? How we start makes everything after-
ward easier— or harder.
When I was at my lowest point, bombarded by all the
things I thought I should do, I chose to focus on one simple
thing. Start each day well. In the midst of my overwhelm-
ing desperation, I realized that the right start can change
It has taken time. I certainly haven’t built my morning rou-
tine perfectly. I’ve learned a lot along the way, but through
much trial and error, I uncovered methods that built the foun-
dation of a lifelong habit.
And an amazing thing happened. I began to wake up
excited about the day ahead. I rediscovered the possibilities. I
was able to get the most important things done first. My heart
and head felt ready for the day.
Some of the biggest moments of my life can be directly
traced back to this simple habit of a morning routine. I have
truly come alive. And you can too.