Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1


Seven Powerful Habit- Building Tools

  1. Triggers

  2. Choice architecture

  3. Tiny habits

  4. Keystone habits

  5. Keep it fun

  6. Reward

  7. Habit scripts

The Hello Mornings Big
Bible Study Idea List

The best thing about this list of ways to study Scripture is that
it can be used with any section of Scripture. So, if you want
to do a study on 1 Corinthians 13 or look up all the verses on
faith, just use this list to build your own Bible study method.

Reading and Writing
Read. Simply read the passage. You can read it in your head
or aloud, thoughtfully and slowly, or in another translation.
Write. As I mentioned earlier, writing out scriptures is a
wonderful way to slow down and absorb each word. As we write,
our brain creates thousands of new neural pathways, allowing us
to more deeply consider and remember what we learn.
Identify key verses. In the passage you’re reading, which
verse holds the nugget of wisdom? Which verses explain the
transformation of the main characters? Which verses speak
most to you in the season you’re in right now?

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