Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1


Highlight, underline, bracket, circle, jot. In this digital age,
there is something therapeutic about words on a paper page
and a pack of highlighters or colored pencils. I always loved
looking at my grandmother’s Bible filled with highlights,
underlines, notes, and circles.
Take time to circle commands, underline truths, or high-
light key verses in your favorite shade of pink. Bible study can
be fun and colorful!
Observe. Let your inner Nancy Drew loose. Uncover the
five W’s of the passage: who, what, when, where, why, and
(don’t forget) how. It’s amazing how much we can learn from
just naming the different elements of a passage or story.
Illustrate. In the margins of your Bible, or in a journal, get
creative! Design word art focusing on a key point. Sketch the
setting, characters, or theme.
Outline. Feeling more cerebral than creative? Outline the
story or teaching. Highlight the main points and the sub-
points to develop a greater understanding of where the author
was coming from and what he was trying to communicate.
Personal paraphrase. Sometimes we learn best by teach-
ing. Imagine you had to share the heart of the passage with a
group of friends or a class of children. How would you para-
phrase it? Or try paraphrasing it by incorporating your story
into it and the things God has done in your life. You could
even paraphrase it by simply inserting your name everywhere
the passage has a generic pronoun.
A word on Bible studies. One problem people face is finish-
ing a Bible study and not having a core habit or a plan for what
is next, and then simply falling out of the habit of studying
the Bible. While it’s important to plan ahead, perhaps even

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