Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Why Mornings?


all the moms and daughters and felt as though I was on the
outside looking in on a relationship that I would never know.
But I was never alone. Just like Derek Redmond’s father,
God walked alongside me in my pain. He brought women into
my life to show me how to live. And as I followed Him along
the journey, He orchestrated a beautiful and redemptive plot
twist that I would never have known if I hadn’t been walking
with Him day by day.


She was born in June 2002. My husband, Jimmy, and I were
parents of a precious little girl. I was a mother. I was a mother.
We named her Anna, and she was beautiful, just like my mama.
God redeems.
But He wasn’t done.
Allison, my mini- me, was born two years later. I felt a little
like Job at the end of his story when he received back twofold
all he had lost. I had not only one but two precious daugh-
ters. Two opportunities to experience that elusive relationship
I thought I’d never know. Two opportunities to be the very
thing I always dreamed of having. And two beautiful reasons
to look forward to Mother’s Day.
God redeems.
But He still wasn’t done.
We have three children now. Jackson was born in 2007,
and he is a joy. I know I make mistakes, but I’m also fighting
every single day to be all God dreamed when He chose me to
be the mother of my three children. I’ll be the first to admit I
have no earthly idea what I’m doing. I just know I desperately

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