Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Do Our Mornings Matter?


One in a Schmoozle

You were made to live an exceptional life. It sounds like a plati-
tude, but it’s a fact. Your life matters, and God created you
unlike anyone else. Let me show you.
According to the Wall Street Journal bestseller Strengths
Finder 2.0 and the folks at Gallup— who have surveyed liter-
ally millions of people around the world— any one person can
have thirty- four strengths. And the order in which they have
them is crucial to how they use them and influence others. Did
you know that the odds of any two people having the same top
five strengths are 1 in 275,000? That means there probably isn’t
anyone like you in your town. The odds of anyone else having
the same top five in the same order as you is 1 in 33.4 million.
That means there probably isn’t anyone like you in your state.^2
The odds of anyone having all thirty- four in the same order
as you is 1 in 3 x 10^38. That means three times a number that
has thirty- eight zeroes behind it. I don’t even know a name for
a number that big.^3
Let’s call it a “schmoozle.”
Frankly, I find the magnitude of that number a bit hard to
wrap my little brain around, so I did a little research to help
me grasp it. According to the Population Reference Bureau,
from the beginning of time until now, there have been about
100 billion people.^4 And according to many scientists, the
earth is past its midlife. Meaning, it likely won’t be able to
support human life for longer than it already has. (Please note,
this is not a statement on the return of Christ or the creation
of the world or anything fancy schmancy like that. It’s simply
for numerical demonstration.)

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