Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Do Our Mornings Matter?


we need you. No one can take your place. No one is better at
you... than you.

Behind the Scenes of an Exceptional Life

What were you doing when you were sixteen years old?
If you were anything like me, the answer is... not very
much. At least, not compared to Jessica Watson who, at the
age of sixteen, completed a solo, nonstop, unassisted circum-
navigation of the globe... in a little thirty- four- foot sailboat.
At sixteen years of age, she sailed 23,000 nautical miles.
She was alone for 210 days. Her boat was knocked down (hit
by waves so that it was turned completely upside down) six
times, and she often found herself and her little boat in raging
storms with waves four stories high.
Alone. And not just alone but thousands of miles from any
other human beings.
Then there’s Katie Davis. She was a homecoming queen,
valedictorian, and all- around average American girl, when she
developed a love for the people of Uganda. At the age of nine-
teen, she moved around the world, began an organization that
helps hundreds of children, and started the process of adopt-
ing thirteen girls.
On the other end of the spectrum is Dick Hoyt. His son
Rick was unable to walk or talk, and doctors said he should be
institutionalized. But Dick Hoyt and his wife had other plans.
They found a computer system that helped Rick type through
eye movements. One day, Rick told his father that he wanted

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