Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Are You Ready?


Understanding You

One of our great responsibilities in life is to discover who we
are, where we thrive, and what we offer that no one else can.
What are those unique things God wove into us that need to
be tended to bloom? What are our strengths and weaknesses?
In what situations do we thrive, and in what situations do we
struggle? What makes us come alive?
It might feel a little narcissistic to spend time truly studying
yourself, but doing it can bring you so much clarity and peace.
I’ve learned that I’m something called an ambivert. It’s
someone who is right in the middle of being an extrovert and
introvert. I love people and can be really energized by social
situations, but I also very much need to step away afterward
and process all the input and interaction. Learning this about
myself explained so many situations when I hit a boiling point
and felt frustrated with everyone around me. I’ve now learned
to recognize when I’m getting overloaded; I pull away to spend
some time alone even if the extrovert part of me really wants
to continue to socialize. It’s a simple thing, but it has saved me
so much heartache.
What about you? Do you know what drains you and what
fills you? How do you best process your emotions? What helps
you focus as you pray or read the Word?

How Does This Help with Mornings?
There are millions of ways to build a morning routine
using the endless options for Bible study, prayer, planning,
exercise, and orchestrating our time. But just as we wouldn’t
walk into a clothing store and buy an outfit without knowing

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