Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Why Mornings?


our size and fit, we can’t expect to adopt a routine for our
mornings without knowing if it’s a good match for our time,
season, and heart.
So many new habits fail because we hear about something
that worked well for someone else and we jump on the band-
wagon— no questions asked. We forget that what might work
for one person won’t work for another. Also, what might work
in one season of your life might not work in another season
of your life. We must take stock of our current situation and
learn as much as we can about what works for us now— so we
don’t try to force pieces together that don’t fit.
We can’t adopt a morning routine just because it works for
our favorite celebrity or because it worked for us back in high
school. Things change. People change. So we’re going to take
the time to do a simple self- assessment to give our new habits
the best opportunity to stick.

When We Know Better, We Do Better
Maybe you struggle with waking up. If so, then determine
whether it’s because you’re not getting enough sleep or because
you need a more pleasant alarm— one that’s kinder than the
blaring, million- decibel alarm that immediately puts you in a
state of panic.
Does music move you deeply? Then consider starting your
day with a worship song, structuring your morning in a more
personal and powerful way.
Maybe you’re a visual person, and the best way to get your
energy flowing and your mind focused on God would be to
start your morning by drawing or writing out scriptures.
If you enjoy making new connections in Scripture then the

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