Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Are You Ready?


best way for you to begin your day might be to read a passage
and then take notes as you study all the cross- references.
Or you might be a pen- and- paper girl, but you also need
the order of a digital planning system because the thought of
losing a paper planner stresses you out.
Or perhaps fitness is part of your morning routine. In the
area of fitness, knowing yourself is crucial because there are
so many experts who will tell you what they think is the best
thing to do. And because we often feel so intimidated by fitness
experts, and all the things we don’t understand about exercise
and nutrition, we just follow along blindly, not realizing that
we are sabotaging our own efforts.
For example, I cannot handle group fitness. I love solitary
exercise, whether that’s working out at the gym or going for
a nice long run— alone. I enjoy the opportunity to think and
move at my own pace. I suppose this is where my introvert
half comes in. I only like exercising with others when it’s in the
form of a game or competition of some sort.
We can waste so much time trying to fit a square peg of
what is popular or seems like the “right way” into the round
hole of what actually works for us. Instead, let’s bypass all that
trial and error and take a shortcut to our ideal morning routine.

Personal Inventory

To get started, let’s take a personal inventory so we understand
our starting point and our resources for the journey toward a
great morning routine. To determine what will work best for
you, let’s consider four things:

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