Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Why Mornings?


  1. Season and Situation
    In some seasons of life, we can easily start or grow a morn-
    ing routine. In others, survival is hard enough, and thinking
    about adding anything feels overwhelming— yet it’s in those
    hard seasons when we need God, a plan, and good health the
    most. Understanding the pressures and priorities of the season
    you are in will allow you to wisely incorporate a life- giving
    routine into your day.

What season are you in? Just as the world has seasons for
growing, shedding, resting, and blooming, we also have sea-
sons where our needs differ. Do you have a newborn? Did you
just move, start a new job, start school, or lose a loved one?
Maybe this is a season for grace and a slow pace. A three-
minute morning with very gradual incremental changes might
be healthiest for you right now.
Did your kids just start school or head off to college?
Maybe you just finished college and are in a rhythm in the
working world. This might be a good time to try new things
and grow your morning a little more briskly.
Take a few minutes and consider whether you’re in a sum-
mer, fall, winter, or spring season of life. Place a checkmark in
the box beside your current season.

̈ Summer: Life feels good and warm, and you have
space and time to try new things and grow.
̈ Fall: Life is full, you’re super busy, and there seems
to be no focus. It might be time to scale back in some
areas in order to thrive.
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