Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Are You Ready?


̈ Winter: The busyness of life finally catches up, and
you’re worn out. Rest is the key to prospering in this
season. It’s about snuggling down with those people
and things you hold most dear.
̈ Spring: You’re aching for bigger things and ready to
stretch yourself and push beyond your current comfort
and limits.

You might be wondering how a situation would be different
from your season. Let me explain. While there might be two
moms with newborns, maybe one is a single, first- time mom
with a colicky baby and the other has two elementary- aged
children, a husband who works from home, and the easiest
newborn on the planet.
Or there might be two people who are both college stu-
dents, but one is a nineteen- year- old having fun living in the
dorm and taking entry- level classes. The other might be a doc-
toral candidate who is also working a full- time job to pay for
school while raising a family.
Same seasons; different situations.
Details and circumstances matter. They influence the
expectations we should and should not have of ourselves.
So take some time to evaluate your season and situation. Be
realistic about what you can take on now as you build your
morning routine. Do you have the capacity to focus and build
quickly, or should you take it slow so you don’t burn out with
everything else on your plate? Or perhaps it’s time to prune
some of the other things in your life to make room for growth.

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