Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Why Mornings?


strengths identifier. I really like this one because it provides a
collection of information and insight different from standard
personality tests:


This one is newer to me, but I have friends who rave about
it. Like most of the others, there are free versions and fee-
based tests:


What is your unique personality? Take one of the tests
listed and determine yours. Then record it here so you don’t
forget what it is, as I often do.

  1. Drainers and Fillers
    We all have things we must do every day. Some things we
    like, and some things we don’t. While we can’t necessarily
    change what we do, it can be helpful to recognize what brings
    us life and energy and what takes life and energy out of us so
    we can make small adjustments where possible. Let’s call these
    drainers and fillers.

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