Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Why Mornings?


library at a certain time, lo and behold, I needed to be at the
library at that very same time. Crazy coincidence... I not only
changed my daily plans, but I also went to the gym a bit more
and had fewer late- night cookie binges. My affection for him
wasn’t limited to the time I spent with him; it influenced the
rest of my day and my choices as well.
We often hear about people making radical transforma-
tions in their health after having children. Some quit smoking.
Some lose weight and build muscle. Some people change jobs
or remove themselves from destructive friendships. When I
became a mother, it affected every single area of my life—
what I ate, what I read, what I watched on TV, and how I spent
my time.
Our love for God should have every bit as much of an
impact on our day- to- day lives.
The heart behind God, Plan, Move is to create an on- ramp
for our God time to infiltrate the rest of our day. It starts with
time in the Word and prayer, moving into prayerfully planning
our day, and then ensuring we have the energy that day for
whatever God may ask of us.
As you’ll see in chapters 7 and 8, we ultimately pursue
planning and fitness not because we want to be organized and
fit. We do it because we want the Spirit of God, the truth of
God, and the life of God in the very corners of our lives.

How God, Plan, and Move Work Together

To do anything well, we must first know our purpose, then
create a plan to carry out that purpose, and finally have the

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