Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Laying the Foundation for Your Morning Routine


about loving my neighbor, the rest of my morning routine
offers a track to walk that out. I can add “make soup” to my
daily plan, and then I can make sure that when I go on my
daily walk, I bring the soup to drop by my ill neighbor’s home.
We aren’t only building isolated habits in our morning
routines; we are also conditioning ourselves to be open and
ready to respond to whatever God may lead us to do each day.
That’s why I don’t want my lack of energy to cause me to walk
right by the woman desperate for eye contact and a hug. I
don’t want my lack of planning to create a spiral of hurry and
frustration. Instead, I want to have the wisdom, forethought,
and energy to make choices that spread hope. Maybe my extra
tenderness to my children will give them the security to ask the
new child in class to join them for lunch. Maybe that friend
connection will comfort that child’s broken heart in the midst
of her parents’ divorce.
Never underestimate the impact of your life and the effect
of living it well.
The Enemy wants you to believe you are small and that
your life doesn’t matter, when, in fact, God wants to use you
to radically influence the world around you. If you’re going to
embrace God’s plan, it will take some change— and change
requires purpose, planning, and power.
God, Plan, Move.

A Simple Start for Your Morning Habit

The three- minute morning is a... three- minute morning rou-
tine (shocker, I know) that includes all three aspects of the

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