Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Why Mornings?


Hello Mornings God, Plan, Move concept. Starting small, it’s
a foundational routine that you can scale up as God leads.
Remember, everyone has three minutes every morning of
their lives. So this routine eliminates the feeling of I’ve got no
time— a common obstacle for not spending time with God,
planning, or making healthy choices.
In a Hello Mornings survey, hundreds of women, more
than 60 percent, said they need at least sixty minutes for a
good God, Plan, Move morning routine. Nearly a third of
those said ninety minutes were necessary. Well, no wonder we
struggle! I don’t know about you, but finding an extra hour or
hour and a half in my morning is a Herculean feat. For most
people, I’m not sure it’s even possible without incredibly dras-
tic measures.
The truth is, you can have a powerful morning routine in
just three minutes. Suspend your disbelief for just a bit and
hear me out. I know three minutes sounds small. But can I
challenge you right now to do a solid minute of squats or push-
ups? Not such a short amount of time, is it?
It’s easy to waste time— hello, Internet— but it’s also easy
to extend it. Three truly focused minutes can have a real
impact on your day. And if you then have that three- minute
morning every single day? Wow— what a powerful foundation
on which to build.
By building a consistent habit, we begin the process of
labeling ourselves as women who nurture our relationship
with God, live purposefully, and take care of our health.
Once we have the foundation, we can then scale up each
area as God leads us to grow. The beauty is that when life
hits us hard and we get sick or travel or even just wake up

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