Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Laying the Foundation for Your Morning Routine


late, we can simply scale our routine back down to the three-
minute morning habit we’ve built and never feel as though
we’ve missed a day or failed at our morning routine. While
it’s a simple habit, when we’ve been consistent for a week or
two, it feels like such an accomplishment. And it will reset our
perspective on what we’re capable of.
And remember, the goal isn’t to stay at three minutes. Build
the habit for thirty days. If at some point you want to scale up,
go for it. But if it starts getting hard and you feel like quitting,
scale it back down so keeping the habit is more central than
having an impressive non- habit.
As I mentioned in chapter 1, the routine is fairly simple:

  • God time: Pray Psalm 143:8

  • Plan time: Review calendar

  • Move time: Drink a glass of water

By the way, I recommend the exact same routine— same
verse, same planning action, and same moving action every
day for that first thirty days. Why? Because the simpler it is,
the more likely you are to stick to it and build the habit. Of
course, it’s your habit to build, but I want to give you a good,
solid starting place.
Anne Blackmore Keo shared her experience with the three-
minute morning:

At first I wasn’t sure how much I would get out of the same
verse every day for a month. But just in a few days I’ve seen
the impact this one verse can have in such different ways.
“Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my
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