Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Why Mornings?


life” allows me to pray through the mundane tasks of my
day— my daily approach to parenting, teaching, and being
a wife. And today I prayed this verse with a friend making
scary big decisions for her teenage daughter. I know there is
power in a Scripture verse; I just didn’t expect this level of
power in three minutes!

What If I Want More Than Three Minutes?
But maybe you want more than three minutes. If so, keep
reading: I’m about to share a few ways to scale up each area
of your morning routine. Just remember to keep the whole
habit central. Don’t go all crazy with one area and neglect
the others. We can walk in incredible freedom when we’re not
weighted down by guilt for ignoring key areas of our lives.
Consistency counts. And all three concepts together— each
as strong as the other— can take us further than any one can
alone. So even as you build your habit, continue your three-
minute morning.

Long- Term Change Versus Short- Term Change
Short- term change and long- term change require polar-
opposite actions. Just as marathon runners’ bodies look dras -
tically different from those of sprinters, so our plans for our
lives should look different when we are pursuing change at
different levels.
Rarely do people embark on a new Bible study, plan-
ning, or fitness routine and truly think about the long term.
Normally we think about the short- term results we want to
see. Reading through the Bible. Setting goals. Losing weight.
What if we changed our perspective and planned for the long

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